Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Another Bitter Bush Survivor for Change

Call this a sequel to my last rant. I have stated that I believe many of us are bitter right now, in small towns, big cities, and suburbs. One can find such bitterness from California to NYC and I dare say many stops in between. As we dissect Senator Obama for his statements about small town folks being bitter, and what that says about his character, there is one glaring ommission. No one is really talking about why all of us folks are bitter. "It's the economy stupid!" you reply. Yeah, but why?! Eight years of George W. Bushes don't-tax-and-do-spend conservatism (although what he has conserved I cant say...) has left us in the middle of a recession...Reckless spending on the war/occupation of Iraq, subsidies for billionaires and multi-national corporations, and a free-for-all regulatory environment that allowed the housing debacle to fester have left us not just bitter but broke.
That's why we are ready to vote for change! That's precisely why hope is so important at this moment in history. If a doctor diagnoses you with an illness do you call him an over-educated elitist (all those years in med school after all!)? Do you yell at him for being uppity and out of touch? Or do you do whatever is in your power to get healthy? Do you thank him for telling you the truth and take your medicine? Do work for change and thrive on hope? What's the antidote to this Bush-induced bitterness? Hope. Change. Can we fix it? Yes, we can!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Another "Bitter" SIster for Obama

e.lite choice. select 1. (also construed as) the choice or most carefully selected part of a group as of a society or profession.

When I heard Senator Hilary Clinton and a host of other extremely wealthy (mostly far right) wags accuisng Senator Barack Obama of being elitist, I almost fell out of my chair laughing. As far as select clubs one can belong to Mrs. Clinton may hold a record...The exclusive sorority of wives of former governors, the rarified club of spouses of U.S. presidents...the ever-shrinking ranks of folks in the eight figure income bracket, and a silly little group known as the U.S. Senate are all elite groups to which Hilary belongs. No matter how many shots of Club Royal she tosses back, no matter how many unsuspecting ducks she takes out of their misery, Mrs.Clinton will never be your, um, average Jane. I'm not mad at her for it. But come on people, let's get our feet back on the ground!

For a priveleged former first lady to try to discredit an African American man, any African American man for being elitist is self-made satire. For her to do so to Senator Barack Obama a man who has risen from poverty, and earned his place in history through old-fashioned elbow grease, is beyond bizarre.

The pundits are busy dissecting Obama for comments he made saying small town folks are bitter because of their economic setbacks and so they turn to guns, religion, or dislike of those who are different than them. Well, I don't live in a small town, I live in South Central Los Angeles, and but for the fact that I am for gun control, that description fits me to a tee. As it does with folks like the ones the L.A. Times recently reported on in Beverly Hills who are angry that they have to cut back on thier Botox injections, because cash is tight, or friends of mine in the suburbs who are struggling because their homes are worth half what they were a year ago. If Mrs. Clinton or the bevvy of upscale commentators are not aware of such bitterness, then they are the ones that are truly out of touch...maybe in this tax season they need to descend to the level of those of us who are due to a refund as of April 15th...who dare to be "uppity despite our lowly rank, skin color or serial number!